Adapt It Quick
to comply with version 6.4.1 of Adapt It and Adapt It Unicode, February 2013.)
Click a hyperlink to go directly to that item.
Indexes into the main table of contents:
Main table of contents:
- Common Adaptation Procedures
This document will give you a summary of the main
operations you can expect to do when adapting source text Scriptures into a
target language. If you need extra details, see Adapt It Reference.doc and the Adapt It Tutorial.doc files. If
you are a translation program administrator, please see the Help for Administrators documentation. An
extensive HTML help system is also available from the Help Topics item on
Adapt It's Help menu.
Mostly, to save space, we refer just to Adapt It. But whatever you read also
applies equally to Adapt It Unicode.
Preparations for using Adapt It
The latest version of
Adapt It is always available at: (Windows and Mac OS X),
Does the source language text or the language that those
texts are to be adapted into require Unicode? If so, you should download the
Unicode version of Adapt It, and the computer being used should already have
fonts installed that display those languages correctly.
Are you currently
using, or planning to use Adapt It
with Paratext or Bibledit? If so, you should refer to the Help for Administrators document for
detailed information on setting up setting up your Paratext or Bibledit projects
and setting up Adapt It to collaborate with one of those Scripture editors.
Do you have access to the source texts that you will use
to adapt from? If those texts are not already stored in a Paratext or a Bibledit
project you should consider importing them into Paratext or Bibledit before
working with Adapt It. If you have no plans to use either Paratext or Bibledit,
you should have those source texts accessible to the computer on which you plan
to run Adapt It.
Adapt It for the first time
- Do one of these things, depending on which computing
system you have:
* Windows: If you have installed
Adapt It, or Adapt It Unicode, from an installer, suitable shortcuts will have
been made already, and a program group will have been inserted in the All
Programs list of the Start button. Click on the start menu item, or
double-click on a short cut item to launch Adapt It.
Linux: If you installed Adapt It from a Debian package, an
Adapt It menu item will be located in the Office group of the Applications
menu. Click on the Adapt It menu item to launch Adapt It.
* Mac OS
: If you installed Adapt It from a
disk image (dmg), an Adapt bundle will be located in the mounted
disk image. You can copy Adapt to the Applications folder or to
anywhere else you want to locate it. You might want to add Adapt It to the
Dashboard. Start Adapt It as you would any other Mac program.
Click the OK button in the Welcome to Adapt It window to hide it. The
Startup Wizard will appear.
- What Adapt It shows next will depend on whether an
administrator has configured Adapt It to automatically exchange data with
Paratext or Bibledit:
* If Adapt It is set up to collaborate with Paratext
or Bibledit, you will see the "Select Source Text from
Paratext/Bibledit Project" dialog. You will use this dialog regularly
to obtain books and chapters of books to adapt. If the dialog does
not appear when you want to open a different book/chapter, you can open
the File menu and select "Open... (Get Source Text
From Paratext/Bibledit)". Once you have gotten a Scripture text to
work on, skip down to the next section called "Typing, deleting and
selecting in the phrase box" to continue.
* If Adapt It is NOT set
up to collaborate with Paratext or Bibledit, you will see the "Start
Working" Wizard from which you can select <New
Project> or any appropriate project that is
listed on that "Choose a Project" page.
- If a suitable Adapt It project already exists,
select the project and press the Next
> button.
- If there is no suitable project already listed,
select the <New Project> item and press
the Next > button.
- If you selected an existing project, the wizard's
"Choose a Document" page will appear. If you need to create a
new document from a source language text, click on <New
Document>, locate the source file to input, and click the wizard's
"Finish" button. Adapt It will ask you to confirm (or adjust)
the name that it will use for the adaptation document's file name. If instead,
you want to continue working on a document you created earlier, simply
click on its name in the list, and click on the wizard's
"Finish" button. Adapt It will display the source text of the
document, ready for you to enter adaptations (see sections below).
- If you selected <New Project>
above at the first wizard page, Adapt It will present to you several more
wizard pages to collect the information it needs to create the project. These
wizard pages will be presented in order:
a) The
"Define Source and Target Language Names" page
appears. Type the source language name in the top text
box, and the target language name in the bottom box. You can
also enter the language codes if you know them, or use the "Lookup Codes"
button to search for language codes from a list of all the world's
languages/codes. Entering these codes here is optional (but helpful if you
expect to export a knowledge base in LIFT format (for use by WeSay, or FLEX).
Click the Next >
b) The "Choose Fonts and Font
Characteristics" page appears. If the default font is not
suitable you can click on the "Change Font..." buttons to change the font
names, font sizes, etc., for each of the Source Font Data, the Target Font
Data, and the "Navigation Font Data" sections. Do not tick the check boxes to
cause the language text to read Right to Left, unless you are certain that the
language requires Right to Left text rendering. You can also use the "Set ...
Color..." buttons to change the font text colors if the default colors are not
suitable. Click the Next >
c) The "Define Source and Target
Punctuarion Correspondences" page appears. If the source or
target language use punctuation characters that are not listed by default, you
can add any punctuation characters you will need for your work to
the appropriate cells of the chart. Removing any of those not needed for your
work is also quite acceptable. Any characters not in the this
chart will be regarded by Adapt It as "word-building" characters, and
will remain within words seen in the main window and be saved to the knowledge
base. Characters that are defined here as punctuation characters are never put
in the knowledge base. Click the Next >
d) The "Define Any Lower To Upper Case
Equivalences" page appears. If the source language texts you will be
working with contain both upper and lower case letters, tick the first check
box. If you want Adapt It to automatically capitalize a word-initial lower
case letter when appropriate in the target language texts you will be
producing, tick the second check box. Three edit boxes appear in which you can
indicate the lower case - upper case corresponding pairs for the Source
Language, the Target Language, and a Gloss Language. Follow the instructions
given on the page. You may find it helpful to click on the "Set English
Equivalences" buttons to start with. Doing so will automatically enter the
English lower case - upper case pairs. You can then edit the English
correspondence pairs to suit the needs of your source and target language.
Other buttons under the lists may also be useful in completing the lists.
Click the Next > button.
e) The
"Define USFM and Marker Filtering (Marker Hiding)" page
appears. You can safely leave this page with its default settings. Click the
Next > button.
f) The "Choose
a Document" page appears. To create a new document from a source
language text, click on <New Document>. Locate the
source file to input, and click the wizard's "Finish" button.
Adapt It will ask you to confirm (or adjust) the name that it will use for the
adaptation document's file name. Adapt It
will display the source text of the document, ready for you to enter adaptations
(see sections below).
Adapt It fails to run
- Try launching again, but this time hold down the SHIFT key before you
start the launch, and keep it held down for a while - until you see the
Welcome to Adapt It window displayed would be long enough.
(When SHIFT is held down, Adapt It will not read program settings from the
configuration files which have been stored when the program was last closed
down. It will instead use default settings. If the stored settings had
errors, then this procedure will get the application running. However, you
will have to set up your fonts, colours and other settings again.)
If this does not work, contact Bruce at or Bill at
Typing, deleting, and selecting in the phrase
- The phrase box is where
you type your adaptations. The phrase box will automatically appear when you
click with the mouse pointer in the area directly under words in the source
text line in the main window. You might prefer to think of adaptations as
"translations". Both words mean the same thing. The active location is
wherever the phrase box happens to be at any time.
- Click in the phrase box.
Then you will be able to type there. Most commands that you give Adapt It
require that the cursor be in the phrase box. If a command does not work,
click in the phrase box, and then try the command again.
- When you type in the phrase box, it will grow longer
as your text grows longer.
- If you delete text in the phrase box, the box will
get shorter. The BACKSPACE key will delete text to
the left of the cursor. The DEL key will delete
text to the right of the cursor.
- To select a word in the phrase box, double-click it. Or you can single-click at the start and drag the mouse to the
end while still holding down the left mouse button, then release the mouse
- To quickly select several consecutive words in the
phrase box; double-click on the first one you want
to select, then hold down the SHIFT key while you
double-click on the last one you want to be
selected. All the words between those two words will also become selected.
- When you have finished typing the translation you
want into the phrase box, press the ENTER key.
Adapt It will then put your new translation in its special memory location
(called the "knowledge base"), and the phrase box
will move to the next "empty" location after the current position. An "empty"
location is one which does not yet have any adaptation text there.
- You can type punctuation
too. If you don't type any punctuation, Adapt It will try to automatically
put punctuation in your translated text for you, using the punctuation in the
source text and its location to guide it on where to put it, and what
punctuation should be used. If Adapt It finds some punctuation in the source
text, but you have typed different punctuation in the phrase box, Adapt It
will use what you typed and ignore the source text punctuation.
If you are using Adapt It with
the setting in which punctuation is not shown, you can still type the
punctuation you want in the phrase box and the application will accept it and
use it properly, though once the phrase box moves you won't see the
punctuation – unless, of course, you change the setting.
The toolbar buttons for showing or hiding punctuation
We strongly
recommend that you always use the setting that has punctuation visible.
Moving forward to an empty
- Make sure the cursor is in the phrase box. If it is
not, click in the phrase box.
- Press the ENTER key.
Note that a "lookup" of the KB is done when you use the
ENTER key - the lookup happens after the box is placed at the next suitable
location and just before you see the box contents. The TAB key works the same
as the ENTER key.
Looking ahead to insert a
Adapt It is always "looking ahead" whenever you press
the ENTER key to make the phrase box move forwards
in the document. This is an automatic process, you don't have to do anything to
make it happen. The process takes place every time you press the ENTER key, or
click somewhere to place the phrase box there.
You can't see any of the following things happening, but
this is what Adapt It is doing 'under the hood' after you have pressed the ENTER
key. It first looks at the source text which follows the current active location
– constructing ten phrases: the first will have 10 words, the second will have 9
words, the third 8 words, and so on until the last phrase will be just a single
word. Then, starting with the longest of those constructed phrases, and taking
each in turn, it looks inside its "memory" (the knowledge base) to see if it can
find a matching source phrase. If it finds a match, and that stored source
phrase has only a single translation in the target language, then that
translation will automatically be inserted into the document – after any needed
merging is (automatically) done.
If Adapt It finds a source phrase which has more than
one possible adaptation, it will put up a dialog called Choose Translation – and all the translations currently
known for that source phrase will be shown to you.
You choose one by double-clicking it, or
b) single-click one and click
the OK button, or
c) type a different translation and click OK
(it will then be inserted
in the document at the active location).
If Adapt It does not find any matching word or phrase in
the knowledge base, it stops looking ahead and instead it does the following
First, it copies
the source text word (provided the Copy Source toggle is ON - which is the
default setting) into an internal temporary location. If a consistent changes
table is not being used (the normal case), the source text word is
submitted to Adapt It's Guesser function. If the guesser comes up with a
likely form of the target text, the form is shown to you in the phrase box -
with an orange background to signal that the form being shown has come from
Adapt It's guesser. If a guessed form is not a good guess, simply hit the ESC
key and the contents of the phrase box will revert to what it would have been
without the guess from the guesser. If a consistent changes table is being
used, Adapt It does not automatically submit the source word to the guesser.
Instead, it puts a single space before and after the copied word (these are
for potential use by consistent changes to make context-sensitive consistent
changes work properly, such as word-initial changes, or word-final changes),
then it tries doing those changes on the data. After all changes have
applied, or if no consistent changes processing has been requested, the
temporary spaces at the ends are stripped back off. Adapt It then leaves the
phrase box at the current location waiting for you to do something more - such
as edit the word, or merge to make a phrase, or accept the word unchanged,
inserting of existing translations (Automatic, Drafting,
There is a checkbox in the mode bar above the main
window which has the label Automatic.
The default setting is that automatic insertion mode is
turned ON. This means that Adapt It will jump to the next empty location and
insert a translation there (if it can find a suitable one), and then move on to
the next empty location and repeat the process.
If you want Adapt It to enter Single Step mode – then just
- click the Automatic checkbox so that it is turned OFF. (It is
OFF when the box is empty)
In Automatic insertion mode
Adapt It does not wait for you to do anything. It looks up translations in the
knowledge base and puts them in for you automatically, one after another without
stopping. It will stop only if:
- There is no translation for the source text in the
knowledge base yet, or
- The source text is in the knowledge base, but it has
more than one possible translation.
If this happens,
then Adapt It will show you the Choose Translation
dialog, and you can then choose the translation you want inserted in the
document, or type a new one. When you click OK to
close the dialog, your chosen translation is inserted and then Adapt It goes
on automatically inserting more translations.
You can cause automatic
inserting to stop by clicking anywhere in the main window (that's the best
way), or by clicking the checkbox again, or by pressing any key (this is not so
good, because the phrase box contents get erased and the key you typed gets
inserted somewhere – which is almost certainly not what you want to happen).
The mode bar also has buttons for Drafting versus Reviewing modes. Drafting mode is the default; it
is the mode in which you will do most of your work. These two buttons affect how
Adapt It will interpret the Automatic
checkbox. When Drafting is turned on,
Automatic insertion works as above. When Reviewing is turned on, then when you press the
ENTER key the phrase box will not jump to the next empty location, but just go
to the immediately following location. The latter behaviour is useful when you
are reviewing your work - it would be a nuisance if each time you hit the ENTER
key the application would jump the phrase box to a location which might be
chapters later in the document than where you are reviewing. Note: lookup of the
knowledge base does not work when you are in Reviewing mode and you hit the
ENTER key. If you find that the application is not automatically putting in
translations for you, check if you are in Reviewing mode - if so, click on the
Drafting button and all should then work as you expect.
There are three ways to select. Selections always are
made in the source text, for each of the three selection methods.
Way 1: Selecting forwards or backwards starting from the
Phrase Box, using the ALT key.
- Hold down the ALT key and press the right arrow key –
to select forwards.
For a backwards selection, hold
down ALT and press the left arrow key instead.
- Repeat the above step as many times as necessary
until you have the required selection.
- If you encounter a place where there is punctuation
(except comma), Adapt It will prevent you from selecting further – but you can
select further by clicking the following button
so that it changes to
and then you will be able to select further.
- If you select too many source words, keep holding
down the ALT key while you press the arrow key for the opposite direction –
this will shorten your selection.
Way 2: Selecting forwards or backwards anywhere, by
extending the selection using the SHIFT key. This method does not require the
phrase box to be located within the selection or at its start or
- Click once on the source word (or source phrase)
where you want your selection to start.
- Hold down the SHIFT key and click once on the source
word (or source phrase) where you want the selection to end.
- If there is punctuation (except comma) between those
two points, Adapt It will prevent the full selection from happening – but you
can make it happen by clicking the following button
so that it changes to
and then you can click at the end while holding down the SHIFT key and the
selection you want will appear.
Way 3: Selecting forwards or backwards anywhere by clicking
and dragging.
- Click on the
source word (or source phrase) where you want your selection to start and keep
holding down the mouse button
- While you hold the mouse button down, drag the mouse
to the last source word (or phrase) that you want to be in your selection. You
don't have to make the cursor touch all of the words you want selected, just
touch the last one.
- If there is punctuation (except comma) between those
two points, Adapt It will prevent the full selection from happening – but you
can make it happen by holding down the CTRL key while you move the mouse a
very small distance, and then the selection you want will appear.
Merging (or combining) two or more
source words (maximum of 10) – the quick way
This is the easiest method for merging two or more
source words, because your hands do not need to leave the keyboard.
- Hold down the ALT key
while pressing the right arrow key – this selects
the first two words
- If you want to selection to include more than two
words, keep holding down the ALT key while you
press the right arrow key again. Keep doing that
until the selection contains all the words you want to merge into a phrase. If
you select too many, hold down ALT while you press
the left arrow key as often as you need.
- Do one of these things:
keep holding down the ALT key while you press the
ENTER key, then type the translation, or
b) just start typing the
Note: other possibilities are the following:
- You can merge source words to the left of the active
location by holding down the ALT key while
pressing the left arrow button; then use ALT+ENTER, or just start typing, to make the merge
(The existing translations of those source
words will also be combined to form a target text phrase, and will be shown in
the phrase box for you to edit, remove, or add to them.)
- You can type a long translation in the phrase box
first, and then use the ALT+Right Arrow key
combination to select all the appropriate source text words, and then ALT+ENTER to merge them.
Your original typing will appear in the phrase box after
the merge is done - but with some extra source words at the end which you'll
need to delete.
- You can add extra source words to an existing merge
using the technique explained in b).
- You can merge source words not at the active
location, using the more general method described next.
Merging (or combining) two or more
source words (maximum of 10) – the general way
The phrase box can be anywhere before you do these
steps. When you have finished, the phrase box will be located at the new source
phrase which has just been constructed.
- Select the source text
word where you want the merge to start by clicking
on it.
- Hold down the SHIFT key
while you click at the source text word where you
want the merge to end.
All the words between those
two locations will become selected.
- If the selection is not as big as you want, it is
probably because you have a punctuation break (not a comma – Adapt It ignores
commas when making selections) in the selection.
Click the toolbar button
that it looks like
. Now the way is open
for you to select across punctuation boundaries. Hold down the SHIFT key again and click
again at the last source word to be merged. The selection now should finish at
that word. (You can use the click and drag method of selection instead
if you wish. See above.)
- Click the toolbar's Merge
or use the CTRL+M
accelerator key combination, or ALT+ENTER key.
- If you selected across a punctuation break, Adapt It
may need some help from you, so that it will put the punctuation at the right
place in your translated text. If so, it will put up a dialog.
The dialog will list any punctuation that Adapt It needs
help with. You can ignore any or all of it. You can even type different
punctuation. Or you can click where you want the punctuation at the top of the
list to be placed in the text shown in the dialog, and click the Place button to have Adapt It put it there.
If you see this dialog and you are not sure what to do,
just type any punctuation you want directly into the translation text shown in
the dialog, in the places you want the punctuation to be, then click the OK button.
Unmerging a source
- If the phrase box is located at the merged phrase, go
to the next step. If not, either
a) click the source
phrase to select it, or
b) click under the source
phrase to make the phrase box be located there.
- Do one of these things:
click the toolbar's Unmerge button
b) hold down the Alt
key and press the Delete key.
(Adapt It will then leave the phrase box at the first
word of the unmerged phrase, and it will try to put helpful text in the box –
it will put the adaptation for that source word if it can find one, if not it
will just show the old translation text.)
Placing the phrase box somewhere
else manually
- Ensure the location at which you want the box to be
put is showing in the main window.
You may need to
scroll the window, or use the step up
step down
buttons to move between
chapters, or perhaps the
To… command in the Edit menu, to get the right
part of the document visible on the screen.
- Click immediately underneath
the source word, or the source phrase, where you want the phrase box to
appear. It will be placed there.
Retranslating a section
of source text – general method
You do a retranslation when you want to change the order
of words in the translation; or when you think the source text has not been
translated well enough.
You can retranslate as little as a single source word;
or as many consecutive source words at one time as you wish – many verses if
necessary. Retranslations are not stored in the knowledge base, they only appear
in the document. Retranslations can use more words, fewer words, or the same
number of words as the source text. Adapt It treats a retranslation as a
"whole", so you cannot click under a source word to place the phrase box there.
The phrase box can be anywhere for the operations
described below.
- Click the first source
word, or phrase, where you want the retranslation to begin.
- Hold down the SHIFT key
and click the source word or phrase at the end of the retranslation.
- If the selection is not as big as you want, it is
probably because you have a punctuation break (not a comma – Adapt It ignores
commas when making selections) in the selection.
Click the toolbar button
that it looks like
. Now the way is open
for you to select across punctuation boundaries. Hold down the SHIFT key again and click
again at the last source word which is to be in the retranslation section of
text. The selection now should finish at that word.
- Do one of the these things:
a) Click the toolbar's New
b) Hold down the ALT key and
press the up arrow button.
(The retranslation dialog will then appear.)
- Type your retranslation
in the text box in the dialog. Be sure to type any
punctuation you need.
(If you need to see your
preceding context or following context, look in the top or bottom boxes.
If you want the context boxes to show translated target
text, rather than source text, click the
Show Target Context button. Click it again to switch
back to showing source text.)
- When you have finished your retranslation, click the
OK button.
(The Cancel button will make Adapt It ignore your
retranslation, and restore the display to what it was before you did the
selection with the focus in the phrase box.)
Notice that a section of retranslated source text is
marked with asterisks above each word. The first word has #* above it. The color of the text will be
different if you earlier had made that choice while in the Startup Wizard. If
you want to change the color of the text now, do the following:
- click on the Edit menu,
- click Preferences…,
- in the Fonts tab click
the Set Retranslation Text Color button. A color
dialog will come up.
- Click on the color you
- Then click OK to exit
from the color dialog, and another OK to exit from
the Preferences dialog.
Retranslating a section
of source text – quick method
The steps below are the quick method, using the ALT key. You don't need to use the mouse.
This method is best for short retranslations.
- Hold down the ALT key and
repeatedly press the right arrow button (to select
or the left
arrow button (to select backwards) until all the words you want are
- Keep holding down the ALT
key while you press the up arrow key. The
retranslation dialog will appear.
- The rest of the operations are the same as for the
general method given above.
Editing a
- Select any
single source word within the retranslation by clicking on it.
- Click the toolbar's Edit New button
- Edit the retranslation shown in the dialog. Be sure
to type any punctuation needed.
- Click the OK button when you are finished with your
editing changes.
(The Cancel button leaves your
original retranslation unchanged.)
Removing a
- Select any single source word within the
retranslation by clicking on it.
- Click the toolbar's Remove A Retranslation button
The retranslation will be removed, the phrase box will
be placed at the first source word, and the old retranslated target text will be
placed in the Compose Bar's text box, in case you want to use some or all of it.
The Compose Bar may not be visible (this is the default
setting). If you want to make it visible, do the following:
- Click the View menu
- Click the Compose Bar command
The bar will now be visible, and you will see the old
retranslation target text. You can now do what you like with it, such as
cutting parts of it and pasting them somewhere. The Compose Bar's contents
will stay unchanged until either you type something new, or remove a different
retranslation. The contents will stay there even when you hide the Compose
To hide the Compose bar:
- Click the View menu
- Click the Compose Bar command again
Inserting a placeholder
for some extra target text
You use a placeholder when you want to insert some extra
target text, but there is no suitable source text word or phrase where it is
appropriate for it to appear.
- Indicate where you want the placeholder inserted. The
insertion takes place immediately preceding some
defined location; or if you hold down the CTRL key when you click the button
it will take place immediately following that
You can define the location by using one of
the following two methods:
a) Select a source word or phrase by clicking on it, or
b) Click under the appropriate source word or phrase
(but don't bother if the phrase box is already there)
- Click the toolbar's Insert A
Placeholder button
(Hold the CTRL key down before you click if you want the insertion to be after the indicated location.) (There are shortcuts
available. ALT+DownArrow inserts
"before", CTRL+DownArrow inserts
A placeholder will be inserted. Its source
text always appears as an ellipsis (…).
- In the phrase box type
whatever target text you want at that location.
(It can be as long as you like, but the practical limit
is whatever is able to fit within a single line on
the main Adapt It window, otherwise Adapt It will not be able to display it
properly and may crash.)
- If you inserted a placeholder at a place where there
is punctuation, Adapt It will not know whether you want the placeholder to be
considered as the end of the words which precede it, or as the start of the
words which follow it. Therefore, Adapt It will put up a message box to ask
you which of those two options is correct. When you click either the Yes, or No button, Adapt
It will move the punctuation and any other relevant information to the
appropriate place, automatically making all the adjustments to the text that
are necessary.
Removing a
If you want to preserve the translation text, you should
select it and either cut it, or copy it before doing this operation.
- Do one of these things:
click under the … to
place the phrase box at that location, or
b) select the three dots by clicking on them.
- Click the toolbar's Remove A
Placeholder button
You can enter or leave glossing mode at any time, and as
often as you want. The "glosses" can be anything you like, such as linguistic
glosses, or the meaning of the source text expressed in some other language than
the target text's language. Punctuation DOES get saved within the glossing
knowledge base - if you don't want this to happen there is a command in the
Advanced menu that will make Adapt It strip off any punctuation before the store
operation is done. Adapt It uses the target text punctuation characters for use
with the glossing language.
you are in adapting mode and you want to enter glossing mode, do the
- In the Advanced menu
click See Glosses. A Glossing checkbox will appear at the right end
of the mode lbar. The application can now show glosses but is still in
adapting mode when the glossing checkbox remains unticked.
- Click the glossing
checkbox to turn glossing mode on. When the checkbox is ticked, everything you
type will be interpreted as a gloss, and will be stored in the glossing
knowledge base. When in glossing mode, you cannot do mergers or
retranslations, and you cannot insert placeholders.
If you want to leave glossing mode to reenter adapting
mode, do one of the following:
- Click the glossing
checkbox again, to remove the tick. Adapting mode recommences immediately, but
glosses can still be seen, though they cannot be edited. Or...
- In the Advanced menu
click See Glosses again, to remove the tick.
Adapting mode will recommence immediately, the Glossing checkbox will disappear, and glosses will
not be visible - however the glossing knowledge base remains and is ready for
use if you later turn glossing back on. The display will hide the glosses line
and revert to two lines.
Automatic capitalization
In automatic capitalization mode the application will
allow you to type a word or phrase beginning with a lower case letter, and if
the source text begins with a capital letter at that location then the first
letter you type in the adaptation phrase box will be changed automatically to
the appropriate capital letter. In this mode knowledge base entries are stored
in lower case only. This mode can be turned off or on at any time, and as often
as desired. The setting you currently have in effect when the project is closed
will be retained in the project's configuration file. Automatic capitalization
will work only if the source text's language distinguishes between upper and
lower case. Adapt It only looks at the first character; if you need a capital
letter in a position which is not first in the word or phrase you type, you must
type that capital letter explicitly.
To set up automatic capitalization do the following:
- On the Tools menu click
the Automatic Capitalization... command.
- A message box will ask
you if the source language distinguishes upper and lower case letters. You
must click the Yes button for automatic
capitalization mode to begin. If the source language does not distinguish
between upper and lower case, or you have not defined any case
correspondences, just click the No button. Adapt
It will refer you to the "Case" tab in
the Edit Preferences dialog which is accessible from the Edit menu. If your
source text language distinguishes between lower and upper case and you wish
to have Adapt It use automatic capitalization for the adaptation text, go to
the "Case" tab page in Edit Preferences to set up the correspondences between
lower and upper case. Fill out the lists. A Set English Equivalences button will fill the
list with English equivalences, otherwise type in what you need manually.
- If you are doing glossing and you have chosen to use
the navigation text's font for the glossing, specify the case pairs for the
navigation text's language as well in the third list. If the required
correspondences are the same or similar to English ones, buttons can help you
fill the lists quickly. If you want some letters not automatically
capitalized, leave them out of the appropriate list.
Shortcuts and buttons for moving around within the
document, shortcuts for common operations
The following chart shows you how you can move about
within documents, and some of the shortcuts for common operations. The more
often used ones are given first. Key combinations are written as the two key
names with a + between them; that means you hold down the first named key while
pressing the named key which follows the + symbol.
The cursor must be in the phrase
box for these commands to work.
moves the phrase box to the
next empty location |
works the same as
moves the phrase box to the
immediately preceding location |
works the same as
ALT+RightArrow |
select source text to the right, starting from
active location; or reduce the extent of a
leftways selection |
ALT+LeftArrow |
select source text to the left, starting from
active location; or reduce the extent of a
rightways selection |
ALT+UpArrow |
open the Retranslation dialog using the current
selection, or the active location when there is no
selection in existence |
ALT+DownArrow |
insert a null source phrase BEFORE the first word
of the selection, or if there is no selection,
before the active location |
CTRL+DownArrow |
insert a null source phrase AFTER the first word
of the selection, or if there is no selection,
after the active location |
Click under a source word or
phrase |
places the phrase box
there |
Click the vertical scroll
bar's up arrow button, or down arrow button |
scrolls the document a short
distance down, or up |
Click in the gray area of
the scroll bar, below or above the scroll button |
scrolls the document up, or
down - but it moves a bigger distance than for clicks on the scrollbar's
up or down arrows |
Click the PgUp or PgDn key |
scrolls the document a
little less than the vertical dimension of the main window, in the chosen
direction |
Click the To Start button  |
puts the phrase box at the
start of the document |
Click the To End button  |
puts the phrase box at the
end of the document |
Click the Move Up button  |
puts the phrase box at the
beginning of the previous chapter |
Click the Move Down button  |
puts the phrase box at the
beginning of the nextchapter |
Click the Edit menu and choose the Go To… command |
the dialog allows you to
jump to any chapter and verse within the document. (Type the chapter number and verse number, or click
the spin buttons at the right of the text boxes to change the numbers in
the boxes.) |
key F8 |
Forces open the Choose Translation
dialog for the word or phrase at the active location. |
Back button  |
Jumps the phrase box back to the
location it was last at. |
Accelerator keys for toolbar buttons CTRL+M CTRL+U CTRL+I CTRL+D CTRL+L CTRL+R CTRL+E
Merge source
words or phrases Unmerge a source phrase Insert a null source phrase Delete a null source phrase List translations (shows Choose Translation
dialog) Retranslate (same as clicking "new"
toolbar button) Edit a retranslation
Inspecting translations at the current location of the
phrase box
- If the phrase box is not already at the location you
are interested in, then click under the source word or phrase at that
- Click the toolbar's Choose
Translation button
(or CTRL+L).
- In the dialog you will see all the translations
currently known for the source text at that location. You can edit any of
them, move a translation up or down in the list, type a new translation, or
remove an existing one, by using the appropriate buttons. (If the application
is in glossing mode, the dialog will instead show the glosses currently stored
in the glossing knowledge base and applicable for that location.)
An alternative is the following procedure, if you prefer
to open the knowledge base editor:
- Click to select the source
text word or phrase you are interested in
- Click the Tools menu's Knowledge Base Editor... command (or CTRL+K).
(the KB editor will open and the selected word will be
shown, and its meanings/translations displayed.)
the knowledge bases
You can do this while a document is open, or even when
no document is open. If adapting mode is currently in force, you will see the
editor for the adapting knowledge base, but if glossing mode is in force you
will instead see the editor for the glossing knowledge base.
A project must be open. You
will be able to inspect the knowledge base for that open project only.
(Each project has its own glossing and adapting
knowledge bases. To see the knowledge base for a different project, you must
first close the current project and then use the Start Working Wizard to open
the project which contains the knowledge base you wish to see.)
- Click the Tools menu
- Click the Knowledge Base
Editor… command
The knowledge base will be displayed, showing the 1 Word tab.
a) Type in the box
at the bottom left to make the source word list scroll to the first entry with
the letter your typed.
b) Select an entry in the source
words list on the left, and its translations will be shown in the list on the
right hand side.
c) Move the translations up or down
with the buttons provided.
d) Add or Remove
translations, or
e) edit the spelling of any
translation and use the Update button to enter the changes into the knowledge
f) The "Toggle The Setting" button and the
searching functions are for advanced users – see the Adapt It Reference.doc
documentation for a detailed discussion.
- Click on a different tab to see the stored source
phrases having that length which Adapt It currently knows about.
For example, the 2 Words tab
will show phrases comprising two words.
- a) If you use the OK
button to close the dialog, then the knowledge base (plus any changes you have
made to its contents) is immediately written out to the knowledge base on the
hard disk.
b) If you use the Cancel button, your changes are retained in the copy
of the knowledge base which resides in the computer's memory (RAM), but are
not written out to disk until the next time the knowledge base is saved.
Changing the application's
You can do this at any time while a project is open
by doing the following:
- Click the Edit menu
- Click the Preferences…
- Click the tab for the setting
you wish to alter.
a) You can change fonts and
colors using the Fonts tab (and in the Unicode
versions the Fonts tab also allows you to specify the reading order of the
source or target or navigation text languages, whether left-to-right (LTR) or
right-to-left (RTL)).
b) You can define source and
target punctuation correspondences using the Punctuation tab.
c) You
can define any lower to upper case equivalences using the Case tab.
d) You can
turn automatic backups of the knowledge base on or off and change other
miscellaneous options using the Backups and Misc
e) You can alter the appearance of the lines,
their spacings and the gaps between phrases and a number of other things in
the View tab
f) You can
turn auto-saving on or off in the Auto-Saving tab.
g) You can defiine the units of measurement in the
Units tab.
You can define the USFM set and Marker Filtering (Marker Hiding) in the
USFM and Filtering tab.
a wrong translation used many times already
Sometime you may realize that a translation for a
certain source word, or a certain source phrase, is not correct and you want to
fix it everywhere it occurs in all the document files. Or it might be correct in
some places, but incorrect in other places. Here is how to "split" an
adaptation, to fix a wrong adaptation.
- Click the Tools menu
- Click the Knowledge Base
Editor… command
- Click whichever tab has the source word or source phrase with the
wrong translation
- In the left list box, scroll till you find the source
word or phrase, or start typing it in the text box at the bottom left which is
labeled "Type Key To Be Found"; when you see it, select it. (The right list box will then show all the
translations, including the one which is not correct.)
- Click the incorrect
translation to select it.
- Click the Remove button,
to remove it from the knowledge base.
- Click the OK button, to
close the window and cause the knowledge base to be updated on the disk. (You
have deliberately produced an inconsistency between the knowledge base and the
adaptations within the documents. Now you can exploit this fact.)
- Click the Edit menu.
- Click the Consistency
Check… command. Choose whether you want to do the check in just the
current document (not recommended), or in this and other documents (highly
recommended), then click the OK button.
- If you clicked the "this and other documents" option,
in the dialog which appears don't move any files to the right hand side if you
want to make all your documents consistent with the changes you are wanting to
put into effect; just immediately click the OK
(Adapt It will now check every document you
have created. The removed translation will no longer be found in the knowledge
base, only in the documents, which is an inconsistency. So every instance of
that inconsistency will now be found, one after another in all the chosen
- Every time the inconsistency is found, Adapt It will
show a dialog which allows you to fix the
inconsistency; and the main window will show you where the inconsistency
If you want to fix the inconsistency the same
way every time, click the checkbox with the label:
Auto-fix later instances the same way then you will
not be asked to fix later instances of the same error, instead Adapt It will
fix them for you automatically.
If you want to "split"
an adaptation into two or more different adaptations, then each time you see
the inconsistency, you would either accept the old adaptation, or double-click
a different one in the list, or type a new one if there was no suitable one in
the list. You would NOT use the Auto-fix later
instances the same way if you are splitting an adaptation, instead you
have to go do each change manually.
How to recover from a corrupted knowledge
If for some reason your knowledge base has become
corrupted, you can recover quickly and easily. Knowledge base corruption is not
a problem that Adapt It has, however, hard drives are not totally reliable and a
sector might go bad, resulting in a corrupted KB file. Adapt It can recreate the
knowledge base very quickly from your existing documents. Do the following:
- Get Adapt It running.
- Ensure that the
project with the corrupted knowledge base is open. An easy way to do
this is to select the project from the Choose a
Project page in the Start Working Wizard, and then Cancel the Wizard when you reach the Choose a
Document page.
- Click the File menu
- Click the Restore Knowledge
Base… command
- A message box will come up telling you about what you
are about to do, and giving you a chance to back out. Don't back out, unless
you don't want to restore the knowledge base.
- Another message box will come up giving you the
chance to restore some special settings. This is for advanced users only.
Probably it is easiest if you click the No button,
it is not very likely that you will have any of those settings in your
knowledge base anyway. (See the Adapt It Reference documentation for a more
detailed explanation.)
- Adapt It will show you a dialog which lists all your
document files for that project. You should leave all of them in the left hand
side list box for best results.
(Any that you are
certain contain no useful adaptations, you can use the top 'X' button in the
dialog to move those files to the right hand side. Those files won't be used
in the restoration process.)
- Click the OK button when
you are ready for the restoration to begin.
(Adapt It
will do the restoration, create a new knowledge base, save it to disk, install
it also in memory, and report what it has done; then you will be ready to
continue working on documents.)
You can restore the
knowledge base in the above manner even if it is not
For instance, if
your knowledge base contains rubbish adaptations from when you were just playing
with the program for the first time and making document files which have no
permanent value, mixed together with good adaptations from doing real work on
scripture files, then you can do a restoration to get rid of the rubbish data.
Just move the files with the rubbish translations to the right hand list box in
the second-last step. When finished, your new knowledge base will contain only
the good translations that you want to keep permanently.
Handling punctuation
Adapt It will copy the
source text punctuation over to the translation automatically, so you normally
do not need to type punctuation. Just let Adapt It insert it for you.
Sometimes this automatic punctuation does not give you
the results you want.
Here are the possibilities:
- The location for the punctuation is correct, but you
want a different kind of punctuation there; or
- Adapt It is copying punctuation, but you don't want
any at that point in the translation; or
- Adapt It is copying punctuation, some of it is
correct, and some of it is not what you want; or
- the target language uses a kind of punctuation which
is different than in the source language, so the copying of source text
punctuation gives the wrong result.
(Note: source
text punctuation is not actually "copied", but rather Adapt It looks at the
table of punctuation correspondences you set up with the Source and Target Punctuation Correspondences dialog
and for each source punctuation character it determines what the appropriate
target text punctuation character should be. If there is nothing listed for
that source punctuation character, nothing is transferred to the target text.)
Here are the ways you can handle these problems:
For problem (a):
- Where the copied punctuation would appear, in the
phrase box type the punctuation you want to occur at that part of the text.
(Your typed punctuation will be used instead, and
Adapt It will not insert the corresponding target punctuation.)
For problem (b):
- Click the Edit menu's Edit Source Text command, and
in the dialog edit out the punctuation from the source text. (This is not an
ideal solution, but it may suffice if source text changes don't matter. Or you
can use the alternative but longer method below.)
(The punctuation in the source text at the active
location is removed so Adapt It will no longer try to insert any punctuation
into the target text at that location. NOTE: if you later want to Export the
source text, DO NOT use this method, instead use the following method.)
- Alternatively, from the Edit menu, click on Edit
Preferences... and then click on the Punctuation tab. In the punctuation lists
remove the target text punctuation which corresponds to the source text
punctuation you don't want to be copied at this location. Close the dialog.
Then hit ENTER to move the phrase box to the next location. Then again open
the Edit Preferences... item and access the Punctuation tab, put back the
target punctuation character(s) you removed above - DON'T FORGET to do this
step! Close the dialog and continue working. (This method leaves the source
text unchanged, and so any subsequent export of the source text will produce
correctly punctuated source text data.)
For problem (c)
- Use one of the preceding alternatives, preferably the
second - except you may need to temporarily delete more than one target
punctuation character from the dialog. Remember to replace them after you have
moved the phrase box on to the next location.
For problem (d)
- You don't have a needed punctuation correspondence
set up yet. Fix it by opening the Edit
Preferences... dialog from the Edit menu, access the Punctuation tab, and type the needed
correspondence into the left pair of columns. Note, in the source list each
unique punctuation character may only appear ONCE. In the target list you can
have more than one instance of the same punctuation character. Then close the
dialog and continue with your work.
If you do choose to use the Edit menu's "Edit Source
Text" please note: editing the source text is not something you should do
without careful consideration beforehand, and careful manual text management -
such as archiving of the original source text before any editing is done on a
copy of it. It would be easy to lose track of what constitutes the true source
text if you are not careful.
Saving your documents automatically
You can save manually at any time by going to the File menu and clicking the Save command; or by or by clicking on the Save button on the toolbar, or by using the
keyboard shortcut CTRL+S.
If you don't want to be bothered by having to
occasionally save your work, do the following:
- Click the Edit menu.
- Click the Preferences…
- Click the Auto-Saving
- Click to turn OFF the
effect of the top checkbox. (Auto-saving
is enabled when the check box is not ticked.)
- Choose the auto-saving
method you prefer.
a) Adapt It can save your document
and knowledge base after a certain time has
elapsed; or
b) it can save them after the phrase box has moved to a new location a
certain number of times.
(If you are adapting
quickly, a time setting - such as every two minutes will protect your work
If you are working slowly, or are just learning
to use the program, saving every few dozen moves might be a better choice.
You can change these settings at any time, or turn them
off again.)
- (Optional step) Choose a setting for how often the
knowledge base should be saved.
- Click the OK button to
exit the Preferences dialog.
The second last step is optional because the knowledge
base is automatically saved immediately after every save of the document
your translation available to other applications (Export Translation
The way your document is displayed on the screen is
understood only by Adapt It. If you want other computer programs to be able to
use your translated text, it first has to be exported.
Note: If your administrator
has setup Adapt It to collaborate with Paratex or Bibledit, Adapt It will
automatically obtain its source texts from the designated Paratext or Bibledit
project, and will automatically transfer its translation texts back to another
Paratext or Bibledit project. Therefore you do not need to manually choose
"Export Translation Text..." while Adapt It is collaborating with Paratext or
Bibledit. If you are not using Paratext or Bibledit, and need to export your
translation for some other purpose you can do the following:
- Click the Export-Import
- Click the Export Translation
Text… command. A dialog will open and give you the choice between
exporting the text as standard format marked text, or as a rich text format
(RTF) document with the standard format markers changed to publication
standard styles according to the Scripture Template. Choose the option which
suits your purpose. If you want to use the exported data for a backtranslation
project, then choose the standard format option. If you want to print the
translation in a nice readable publication-standard format, use the RTF
option. Then a standard Windows file dialog will
open, with a suggested output filename (your document's name, or if you want
the RTF option, it will have .rtf appended to the name), and a destination
folder and disk drive.
- Use the file dialog to
change the filename if you wish, and the folder where you want the file saved
to if the suggested location is not suitable.
- Click the OK button.
Adapt It will then create the file and fill it with the
translated text. You don't have to have the translation of the whole document
finished before you use the Export Translation Text… command. If it is not
finished, then some of the verses will just not have any text in them.
When you export the document, you will end up with a
separate file containing only the target language translated text, with all the
SIL standard format markers replaced in their correct positions, or with an rtf
file you can then read into any word processor and print from there.
Adapt It may put up a dialog during the export process
if it needs your help to know where to replace some of the markers. This will
happen only if you merged source words across the location where a marker
occurred, or if a marker lies within a retranslation.
A similar command, Export
Source Text..., will allow you to export only the source text, with
standard format markers automatically replaced, or as RTF. You would normally
only use this command if you had earlier used the Edit Source Text command to change the source text
in some way.
Other export options are also available for creating
external files containing Interlinear
Text, Glosses as Text, Free Translation, and Knowledge Base data. See Exporting your work below for more
information about exporting other types of data from your project.
Closing a document
- Click the File menu
- Click the Close command
- Adapt It will ask you if you want to save the
document, and then the knowledge base, if these have not been saved after your
last changes were made. Click the Yes or No button, depending on whether you want to save the
document and knowledge base, or not. If you are unsure which to do, do the
Closing a project
- Click the File menu
- Click the Close Project
- Adapt It will ask you if you want to save the
document (and knowledge base), if these have not been saved after your
last changes were made. Click the Yes or No button, depending on whether you want to save the
document and knowledge base, or not. If you are unsure which to do, do the
Creating a new
Note: If Adapt It is setup to collaborate with Paratext
or Bibledit, you will not create documents within Adapt It. Instead you will
simply choose a Scripture book and chapter to adapt from the Get Source Text
from Paratext/Bibledit Project" dialog. If you are not collaborating with
Paratext or Bibledit, do the following:
- Click the File menu
- Click the Start
Working... command
- Select a
project from the Wizard's Choose a
Project page (if no project exists yet see the "Creating a new
project" section below).
- Select the <New
Document> item in the list box and Click on the "Finish" button
- In the file dialog, navigate to the source text file
you wish to adapt and double-click it
You can also create a new document by clicking the New command on the File
Creating a new
Note: If Adapt It is setup to collaborate with Paratext
or Bibledit, you will not create new projects within Adapt It. Instead, all of
the Scripture projects are set up within Paratext or Bibledit. Ask your
administrator to set up the Paratext or Bibledit projects, and configure Adapt
It to collaborate with those programs. You will simply choose a Scripture book
and chapter to adapt from the Get Source Text from Paratext/Bibledit Project"
dialog. If you are not collaborating with Paratext or Bibledit, do the
Click the File menu,
- Click the Start Working...
- If you are shown the Document page, then you still have a document open in
your old project.
Use the <Back button to go to the Projects page, then
- Select the <New Project> item.
(Adapt It may ask you the questions about saving the old
document and knowledge base, so you respond to those messages first and then
continue with the process of opening a new project. If you have already closed
the project, you won't be asked these extra questions.)
- See the last point under Launching Adapt It for the
first time topic, for more information on creating a new project using the
<New Project> selection in the
Start Working wizard.
Opening a
document you created earlier
Note: If Adapt It is setup to collaborate with Paratext
or Bibledit, you will not need to manually open documents within Adapt It.
Instead you will simply choose a Scripture book and chapter to adapt from the
Get Source Text from Paratext/Bibledit Project" dialog. If you are not
collaborating with Paratext or Bibledit, do the following:
- Click the File menu
- Click the Start
Working... command
- If you are shown the Choose a Project page, then you do not yet have
a project open; if so, select the project which contains the document you want
to open, and click the Next > button.
You will then see the Choose a Document page.
- Select the document you want
to open. You might have to scroll the list box to see it. Then click on the Finish button.
You can also go to the Most Recently Used (MRU) list at
the bottom of the File menu, and double-click the document you wish to open. If
the document is in another project, Adapt It will close the current project
(asking you about saving the document and KB first if necessary) for you, and
then open the other project and the requested document. This is a convenient and
fast way to switch documents and projects with the one double-click.
Opening a project you created earlier
Note: If Adapt It is setup to collaborate with Paratext
or Bibledit, you will not need to open projects within Adapt It. Instead, all of
the Scripture projects are set up within Paratext or Bibledit. Ask your
administrator to set up the Paratext or Bibledit projects, and configure Adapt
It to collaborate with those programs. You will simply choose a Scripture book
and chapter to adapt from the Get Source Text from Paratext/Bibledit Project"
dialog. If you are not collaborating with Paratext or Bibledit, do the
- Click the File menu
- Click the Start
Working... command
- If you are shown the Choose a
Document page, then you still have a project open.
Use the < Back button to
go to the Choose a Project page. If you do not
have a document open but your old project is still open, or if no project is
open, then the Choose a Project page will appear.
- In the Choose a
Project page, select the name of the
project you want to re-open.
(Adapt It will then show
you the Choose a Document page.)
- In the Choose a Document
page, either create a new document, or open an existing document, by selecting the <New
Document> item, or an existing document's filename, respectively. Then click on the Finish button.
Exporting your work
addition to exporting your translation work, Adapt It allows you to export the
knowledge base, and other types of data from your project and its
Exporting your knowledge base
data. Knowledge base data can be exported in two different
formats: Standard format (SFM) or LIFT format.
a) SFM format
exports. The export
of a knowledge base in SFM automatically uses \lx and
\ge standard format markers, the \lx
marker will have source text following it, then one or more following \ge markers will contain the one or several
possible adaptations (or glosses, if the application is in glossing mode) for
the source text in the preceding \lx field. the standard format exports
also uses other date-time and deletion markers including \del, \wc, \cdt,
and \mdt format markers. See the Adapt It
Reference document for more details.
b) LIFT format
exports. The export of knowledge base data in LIFT format can be used
to import lexical data directly into the WeSay or FLEX programs.
export a knowledge base:
- On
the Export-Import menu, click the Export Knowledge Base... command. Turn glossing mode
on if you want the glossing knowledge base exported, otherwise the adapting
knowledge base will be exported.
- A dialog will come up allowing you to specify the
type of export: SFM or LIFT.
- A
file output dialog will come up; choose the filename you want and the
destination folder, then click OK to complete the
Exporting your adaptation work
in Interlinear text. An interlinear text can show all of the parts of
your work neatly aligned in tables. The format of interlinear exports is
Rich Text Format (RTF) in which the navigation text, source text, target text,
and perhaps also the glossing text and free translation text, (or any
combination of these) are shown in tables, sized to fit the data in the cells
correctly. Each table can therefore have either 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 rows, depending
on what data you want exported; and a blank line occurs between each table. The
length of the tables fits within the printing area of a page, taking the current
margin settings into account. Landscape or Portrait orientations can be chosen.
If glossing mode is turned on, the glossing row will be above the adaptations
row; otherwise the glossing row will occur under the adaptations row.
To export Interlinear text:
- On
the Export-Import menu, click the Export Interlinear Text... command.
- In
the dialog which comes up, choose which kinds of data you want exported. (If
the gloss text option is disabled, Cancel the
dialog, turn glossing on, or make glosses visible - see the Advanced menu, then try again.) Also choose the
orientation and specify a range if you don't want all the document exported.
(You may want to choose fonts and sizes and styles
before using the Export Interlinear Text... command, so that the
application will set up the cell sizes correctly.)
- A
file output dialog will come up; choose the filename you want and the
destination folder, then click OK to complete the
export. You may need to wait a while for the operation to finish.
- Exporting the source text, target text, glosses text, and
free translations. You
would probably only want to export the source text of a document if you have
edited the source text because it contained spelling mistakes or other errors.
Mostly you will want to export the target text, glosses text and free
translations. Export of all of these types of text can be done in one of two
ways: either as a plain text file with standard format markers automatically
replaced; or as an RTF (Rich Text Format) document in which the replaced
standard format markers have been converted automatically to styles using the
Scripture Template - this type of exported file can be opened in a word
processor and is shown in publishable format ready for printing. See
To export the target text:
export the source text:
- On
the Export-Import menu, click the Export Source Text... command.
- A
dialog will come up which asks whether you want plain text output (with
standard format markers) or rich text format (RTF) in which the markers
have been converted to styles. Click the option you want.
- A
file output dialog will come up; choose the filename you want and the
destination folder, then click OK to complete the
export glosses as text:
export free translation text:
- On
the Export-Import menu, click the Export Free Translation... command.
- A
dialog will come up which asks whether you want plain text output (with
standard format markers) or rich text format (RTF) in which the markers have
been converted to styles. Click the option you want.
A file output dialog will come up; choose the filename
you want and the destination folder, then click OK
to complete the export.
External Consistent Changes
Note: the comments in this section do
apply to Adapt
It nor to Adapt It Unicode! They apply only to the additional "stand-alone"
Consistent Changes applications included in the installer for Adapt It or Adapt
It Unicode for your convenience. None of the comments below have any bearing on
using Adapt It or Adapt It Unicode. If you want to build and test consistent
changes tables separately from using such tables within Adapt It or Adapt It
Unicode, then this section will help you to do so - that's the only reason this
information is here. By "stand-alone" we mean that you can run these cc
applications without having to run Adapt It or Adapt It Unicode.
Adapt It and Adapt It Unicode installers for Windows also include version 8.1.5
of the Consistent Changes application as a stand-alone executable. The filename
is CCW32.exe and it will be found in your Program Files\Adapt It WX\
folder, and/or in your Program Files\Adapt It WX Unicode\ folder - this
version of CC is compliant with both ASCII and ANSI encodings and also the UTF-8
encoding. Full documentation for CCW32 will be found, also in the same location,
in a CC Documentation folder. The folder includes additional documentation for a
standalone CC debugger application called CCDbg32.exe. Unfortunately this
debugger application is not included with the installation because the
installer for Adapt It becomes too large. (However, you can request the debugger
be sent by email from the author - as a compressed executable it is 201 KB in
size.) Note, these applications both use the CC32.DLL file - the same .DLL file
which Adapt It and Adapt It Unicode use. So if you move one or both of these cc
applications to another folder and want to run them from that other folder, be
sure to copy (not move, and not cut and paste) the
CC32.DLL file to that folder also.
If you
run CCW32, you will see the following window which is divided into 5 sections,
the first is a command history - it is not important, the next sections allow
you to specify a working directory, what input data you want processed, what cc
table is to be used for the processing, and what file the output is to be saved
You should put the cc table file you wish to use in the
Working Directory - this should be the same directory as contains the CCW32
application itself. The input and output files can be from and to any folder.
Use the top Browse button to make the folder containing CCW32 the working
In the Input file section, type the name of the input
(plain text) file which is to be processed if it is located in the working
directory, or use the Browse button to locate it.
In the Changes file section, type the name of the
consistent changes table file which is to be used - it must have an .cct
filename extension to be recognised as a changes file.
In the Output file section, type the name of the wanted
output file - it will be output to the working directory, but if you want it to
be sent to a different folder then use the Browse button to tell the application
which folder to put it in. If the results are not as you expect and you need to
edit the table and try again, fill out the sections as before, and click the
"Overwrite existing output" checkbox.
Click the Process button to cause cc processing to
Note: in the installation two .cct tables are provided
for your convenience. Both have been tested.
- A table called "reverse_lx_ge.cct". This table will
do a "reversal" of the file produced by Adapt It or Adapt It Unicode when you
click the "Export Knowledge Base" command. It takes the \lx and \ge fields,
changes their order and renames the markers so that in the output file the old
\lx fields are now \ge fields, and the old \ge fields are now \lx fields.
This table would be useful if
you have an existing adaptation project in which you have translated text from
language A to language B; and for some reason you want to set up another
language project to translate text from language B back to language A. To do
this type of job it would be helpful to be able to populate the knowledge base
for the B to A adaptations project with all the necessary adaptations data
before starting to adapt any documents. This table will allow you to do that.
Proceed as follows:
Use the
table in CCW32, and for the input use the file you get from exporting the KB
from the A to B adaptations project. Launch Adapt It (or Adapt It Unicode),
and then the output of the preceding sentence's process can then be loaded
into the KB of the B to A adaptations project by using the "Import to
Knowledge Base" command. Then you are ready to begin adapting B text back to
language A at full speed and with minimal typing.
- A table called "table series as one.cct". Adapt It or
Adapt It Unicode are designed to optionally handle up to four tables in series
- the output from each becoming the input to the next. Sometimes it might be
necessary to do an adaptation with more than four tables in series. This
"table series as one.cct" table allows you to take the rule contents of three
tables and paste them into the appropriate places in this one table. In this
way adaptation could be done with up to twelve sub-tables processed in
sequence (four tables, each with three sub-tables). The contents of this table
could be easily modified to make the table handle more than three sub-tables -
so in effect any number of cc tables can be processed in sequence using this
table in suitably modified form. The table contains comments which tell you
where to paste your sub-table rules.
Find command
Replace command
Load Consistent Changes… command
Unload Consistent Changes command
Use Consistent Changes checkbox
Other checkboxes and commands not discussed in this Quick
Start document
Either these are advanced topics, or they are not
essential for successful use of the application for beginners, and can be left
till later on. For details of anything not covered here, see the Adapt
It Reference documentation file. Note: the adaptation engine in Adapt It is
not based on SIL's consistent changes application. Consistent changes is only an
option; it does not have to be used to do adaptation work successfully; but in
the hands of someone who knows how to make use of consistent changes it can be a
powerful extra tool to help automate the translation process - especially if
there are affixes which change in a regular way or sound changes which result in
spelling differences of a regular kind. See the full reference documentation for
more details.