Latest Version (6.11.6)

Release Date: March 7 2025


NOTE: Adapt It requires Git for document version control (“document histories”). Adapt It’s installer for Windows verifies that Git is installed, and offers you the option of downloading and running the installer (the download size is around 36MB). If you choose to install Git on your own, download and install Git (32-bit version) BEFORE installing Adapt It from this link: Accept the default values if you choose to do this.

(requires Windows 7 or higher)

Full Installation, Unicode
Full Installation (MSI), Unicode
Minimal Installation, Unicode
Unicode Documentation only
Unicode Localization data only



  • Adapt It requires Git for document version control. Macintosh users should download and install Git (from this link: before installing Adapt It.

Full Installation, Unicode (Intel / Apple Silicon, OS X 10.12.x and up)

Linux (manual download and installation from debian packages)

It is generally preferred to install and update Adapt It using the SIL Linux packages repository. It is possible to download and install Adapt It for your Linux system manually by downloading the appropriate debian packages for your version of Linux from the download links on this page.


The following documents are also included with the “full installation” downloads listed above.

Readme (Unicode version)
Known Issues and Limitations (.txt file)
Adapt It Reference (MS-Word .doc format)
Adapt It Reference (LibreOffice Writer .odt format)
Adapt It Changes (.txt file)
Adapt It Quick Start (HTML format)
Help for Administrators (HTML format)
Sample USFM text fragment (ZIP archive format)

Legacy Versions

Note: The following legacy versions are available, but are no longer updated with bug fixes or new features. We recommend you install a current version of Adapt It from the lists above.

Adapt It 6.5.3 (ANSI / Windows only)

Adapt It version 6.5.3 for Windows is the last version supporting ANSI characters. ANSI has been superseded by Unicode on modern operating systems. Please read though the Known Issues and Limitations document to be aware of bugs that have been fixed in newer versions of Adapt It.

NOTE: For those users who are currently running on the non-Unicode version of Adapt It, we have provided instructions on how to convert your data to Unicode. This will allow you to get the latest bug fixes and features in newer releases. Instructions can be found here: Converting an Adapt It Regular Project to Adapt It Unicode.

Full Installation, non-Unicode
Full Installation (MSI), non-Unicode
Minimal Installation, non-Unicode
Non-Unicode Documentation only
Non-Unicode Localization data only

Adapt It 6.4.3

This is the previous stable release of Adapt It, released in June 2013. Adapt It version 6.4.3 is the last version supporting Windows 95/98/NT and OSX 10.4. Please read though the Known Issues and Limitations document to be aware of bugs that have been fixed in newer versions of Adapt It.

Known Issues and Limitations for Adapt It 6.4.3 (.txt file)


Full Installation, Unicode
Full Installation, non-Unicode
Full Installation (MSI), Unicode
Full Installation (MSI), non-Unicode
Minimal Installation, Unicode
Minimal Installation, non-Unicode


Full Installation, Unicode (Intel only, OS X 10.4.x through 10.7)
Full Installation, Unicode (Intel only, OS X 10.5.x and up; signed for use on Mountain Lion / Mavericks)

Older Releases


  • In the following legacy versions, separate downloads are required for different user interface languages. The legacy version interface can be in English, French, Indonesian, Mandarin, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian and Azeri (the Mandarin and Azeri are available only with the Unicode form of the legacy applications).
  • After downloading, double-click the exe file. (This is a setup installer. It will install the program and off-line documentation files, including a tutorial.)


Download LinkDescription
Regular (legacy encodings) Adapt It with English menus.
Adapt It Unicode with English menus. Requires Windows 2000, XP or Vista.
Adapt It Unicode with Mandarin menus. Requires Windows 2000, XP or Vista.
Regular (legacy encodings) Adapt It with French menus.
Adapt It Unicode with French menus. Requires Windows 2000, XP or Vista.
Adapt It Regular (legacy encodings) with Indonesian menus.
Adapt It Unicode with Indonesian menus. Requires Windows 2000, XP or Vista.
Adapt It Regular (legacy encodings) with Portuguese menus.
Adapt It Unicode with Portuguese menus. Requires Windows 2000, XP or Vista.
Adapt It Regular (legacy encodings) with Russian menus.
Adapt It Unicode with Russian menus. Requires Windows 2000, XP or Vista.
Adapt It Regular (legacy encodings) with Spanish menus. Win98,2000,ME,NT,2000,XP and Vista.
Adapt It Unicode with Spanish menus. Requires Windows 2000, XP or Vista.

AlphaSmart Dana


  • Adapt It for Dana supports ANSI single-byte encodings only.
  • There are two files to download, one contains AdaptItDana.prc and two other utility applications plus the AI_USFM.xml file containing USFM data, version 2.05. The other (larger) download contains a PDF file for the documentation booklet (84 pages). Both downloads are self-extracting zip archives, they are not installers and therefore additional installation steps are required — the documentation booklet, plus the Dana’s manual, together give all the necessary details.
Download LinkDescription
377KB Self-extracting zip archive containing AdaptItDana.prc, FileZ.prc, SiEd.prc, AI_USFM.xml, version 1.0
3.2MB Self-extracting zip archive containing AdaptIt_for_Dana.pdf documentation A5 booklet.

Supporting Files


  • The PowerPoint presentations reflect version 2.4.1 but are still pertinent for version 3. Version 3 has extra commands in the menus, extra pages in the wizard, and the appearance of some dialogs differs slightly.
Download LinkDescription
English training course, MW WORD document, + prepackaged project folders & data
AI_USFM.xml file, supporting USFM version 2.101 (included in any Adapt It, Regular or Unicode, download)
Introduction to Adapt It, version 2.4.1 (PowerPoint)
Consistent Changes in Adapt It, version 2.4.1 (PowerPoint)
Adapt It Common Tasks, version 2.4.1 (PowerPoint)
Adapt It Knowledge Base, version 2.4.1 (PowerPoint)
Adapt It Mode Bar, version 2.4.1 (PowerPoint)
Adapt It Preferences, version 2.4.1 (PowerPoint)
Navigating in Adapt It, version 2.4.1 (PowerPoint)
Menus and Command Bar, version 2.4.1 (PowerPoint)
Menus and Command Bar, version 2.4.1 (PowerPoint)

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