For most users of Adapt It for Linux, the preferred way to get Adapt It installed on Linux systems is via the SIL Linux Repository. The instructions below detail how to manually download and install Adapt It from Linux debian packages that are available from this web page (see links and instructions below).

Users of Wasta Linux

Note: If you are using Wasta Linux you generally will not need to download and/or install Adapt It Linux packages from this website. The exception is: If the latest version of Adapt It for Linux is not yet available from the SIL Linux Repository, or you cannot access that repository for some reason. The latest versions of Adapt It for Linux are posted on this website first. It may take some time before the latest version packages are available at the SIL Linux Repository.

Users of Ubuntu and Linux Mint

If you are using a generic Ubuntu or Linux Mint, and wish to set up your Linux system to get the Adapt It packages from the SIL Linux Repository, please see this web page for instructions on how to set up your Linux system. If you are a Linux user familiar with using the command line in a terminal window, you may wish to continue reading below for instructions on downloading the Adapt It debian packages, and using them to install Adapt It manually using the instructions below.

Manual Installation of Adapt It for Linux: downloading and installing Adapt It Linux packages from this website

If the most current Linux packages are not available from the SIL Linux Repository, or, if you are not using Wasta Linux, but some other variety of Linux such as Ubuntu, or Linux Mint, it is possible to download and install Adapt It for your Linux system manually by downloading the appropriate debian packages for your version of Linux from the download links on this web page below.

The procedures described here are for Linux users who are familiar with working with Linux using the Linux command line, or for any user willing to follow the detailed instructions given here for executing commands in a Linux terminal.

Step 1: Open a Linux terminal window:

To open a Linux terminal type the 3-key keyboard shortcut command (Press all three keys at the same time). :


You should see a terminal window open.

Step 2: Verify the version of Linux on your computer.

Click in the terminal window you opened in Step 1 and type this command (followed by Enter):

lsb_release -a

You should see 4 lines of console output that describes your version of Linux. Note the “Release:” and “Codename:” lines of the output. This information will guide you to select the proper deb packages to download in Step 3 below.

Step 3: Download the two Adapt It packages that match your version of Linux (“Release” and “Codename”) .

You need to download two debian (deb) packages: (1) the main adaptit….deb application package, and (2) the adaptit-docs….deb documentation package. Use the two download links below for the particular Release/Codename of your Linux version determined in Step 2 above.

Xenial 16.04:

If your “Release:” and “Codename:” is: 16.04 xenial download each of these two deb packages:



Bionic 18.04:

If your “Release:” and “Codename:” is: 18.04 bionic download each of these two deb packages:



Focal 20.04:

If your “Release:” and “Codename:” is: 20.04 focal download each of these two deb packages:



Jammy 22.04:

If your “Release:” and “Codename:” is: 22.04 jammy download each of these two deb packages:



Noble 24.04:

If your “Release:” and “Codename:” is: 24.04 noble download each of these two deb packages:



Note: Some versions of Linux may react differently when you click on the above download links. Your version of Linux may simply download the deb package files to your Downloads folder. Some versions of Linux may download the deb file to the Downloads folder. then attempt to open the deb files using a default application. If your version of Linux automatically opens a “Package Installer” then you may skip to Step 7 to Install the Packages using the package installer. If no package installer appears. or some other application appears, close that application and continue with Step 4 below.

Step 4: Change the current directory to your Downloads folder:

In the terminal window that you opened in Step 1, type these commands, each followed by Enter, to change to your Downloads directory:


[which changes to your Home directory]

cd Downloads

[which changes to your Downloads directory – a sub-directory of your Home directory]

Step 5: List the directory contents to ensure the deb files are located there.

Type this list command in the terminal window:


You should see the two deb package files that you downloaded in Step 3 listed in your Downloads directory.

Step 6: Install the gdebi package installer if it is not already installed:

Type the following command in the terminal window:

sudo apt install gdebi

Installing software requires that you provide your login password. Carefully type your password (you have to type blindly – your typing will not be visible on the screen as you type. it for safety against onlookers) and press the Enter key.

If gdebi is already installed you will see in the middle of the console output:

“gdebi is already the newest version”…

If gdebi is NOT already installed there will be a lot of console output showing which “additional packages will be installed” and which “new packages” will be installed, etc. At the end of the output you should see this prompt:

Do you want to continue? [Y/n]

Type y and press Enter to continue with the installation of the gdebi package installer.

You should see a lot more console output with a progress indicator ending with the return to the command prompt.

Note: The graphical version of gdebi is actually called gdebi-gtk in case you ever wish to start gdebi from the command line in a terminal window. We could do that at this point, but you should move on to Step 7 below to continue with the installation of the Adapt It packages using your Files graphical file manager.

Step 7 Use the graphical gdebi-gtk directly to install the Adapt It packages.

You can launch the gdebi application from either the command-line terminal window by typing:


or, from the desktop search bar type:

gdebi and – in the search results – click on the GDebi Package Installer icon

When the Package Installer application appears, within the Package Installer application:

Select the File menu and Open… sub-menu item.

Navigate to the Downloads folder. You should see the two deb files you downloaded previously in Step 3.

Select the first adaptit….deb file and click the Open button at bottom right.

Click on the “Install Package” button. In a few seconds the first deb package will be installed.

Now do the same for the other deb package:

Select on the adaptit-docs….deb file and click the Open button at bottom right.

Click on the “Install Package” button. In a few seconds the second deb package will be installed.

If the above steps succeeded, Adapt It should now be installed on your Linux computer and ready to launch for use.

Alternate Step 7: As an alternative to Step 7 above, you can use your Files file manager to install the Adapt It packages.

You can use this alternate Step 7 if you prefer rather than the Step 7 above. This alternate Step 7 is similar to the one above, but this alternate Step 7 makes use of the Files file manager (instead of the command line) to auto-launch the gdebi package installer

With the gdebi application installed you should now be able to use your Files file manager to auto-launch the graphical gdebi package installer, and install each of the two Adapt It deb packages that you downloaded to your Downloads folder in Step 3 above.

For Alternate Step 7 do the following:

Launch the Files program by clicking on the Files icon in the task bar or by typing “files” in the search bar of your Linux desktop.

Navigate to your Downloads folder from within the Files file manager. You should see the two deb package files you downloaded in Step 3 above.

Double-click on the adaptit….deb file. This should automatically launch the gdebi Package Installer.

Click on the “Install Package” button.

Switch back to your Files file manager and this time Double-click on the adaptit-docs….deb file . This should automatically launch the gdebi Package Installer again.

Click on the “Install Package” button.

If the above steps succeeded, Adapt It should now be installed on your Linux computer.