The Adapt It Mobile development team is pleased to announce two patch releases for Adapt It Mobile, focusing on security and permissions. You can download Adapt It Mobile 1.15.2 from one of the following links:

What’s new in Adapt It Mobile 1.15.2

Adapt It Mobile 1.15.2 is a patch release for Android only. This release removes the READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission that is no longer needed on Android. (#555)

You can find more information about this release in our issue tracker.

What’s new in Adapt It Mobile 1.15.1

Adapt It Mobile 1.15.1 is a patch release for Android only. This patch release removes READ_MEDIA and Bluetooth permissions that are no longer needed on Android (#550). For those installing the .APK file rather than through the Google Play store, this release also removes the dependency metadata block that isn’t needed (#552).

You can find more information about this release in our issue tracker.

Please refer to the Getting Started area of this website for instructions on installing. You can report Issue and or add an enhancement request through our issues page.

Adapt It Mobile / Android patch releases