Adapt It version 6.8.2 release 11 April 2017
Feature changes and new features in 6.8.2
This release features some important enhancements and bug fixes in relation to Adapt It collaboration with Paratext/Bibledit.
- If you previously set up an Adapt It project to collaborate with Paratext 7, AND have upgraded from Paratext 7 to Paratext 8, AND you have migrated the projects used in collaboration from Paratext 7 to Paratext 8, AND you uninstalled Paratext 7 after migrating the projects to Paratext 8, Adapt It will automatically transition your collaboration settings for the project to use Paratext 8 without further setup.
- If both Paratext 7 and Paratext 8 are still installed on the computer, Adapt It won’t know for sure when you intend to actually collaborate with the same projects in Paratext 8 even after you have migrated those projects to Paratext 8. In such cases. Adapt It now has an easy (1-click) way for users to continue collaborating with Paratext after migrating their Paratext collaboration projects from Paratext 7 to Paratext 8. When Adapt It opens a collaboration project, Adapt It now detects whether the Paratext projects involved in collaboration have been successfully migrated to Paratext 8, and if both Paratext 7 and 8 are still installed, presents the user with a dialog that allows the user to confirm the suggested switch from using the old Paratext 7 projects, to using the newly migrated Paratext 8 projects – without the administrator having to redo the collaboration setup within Adapt It. The dialog also allows the user to override the switch to collaborating with Paratext 8 and remain collaborating with the old Paratext 7 data if, for some reason, that is the preferred (but not recommended) choice.
- Adapt It uses the Git program to save snapshots of its adaptation documents, and to manage the document history. For Windows and Linux, normally Git is installed at the time Adapt It is first installed by downloading Git from the Internet. Downloading Git, however, requires at least 36MB of download data in addition to the Adapt It installer, so it may be desirable to download the Git installer just once (keeping a copy on a thumb drive), and be able to easily install it from the local copy of the installer rather than always downloading Git afresh for each new Adapt It installation. Also a manual installation of Git has been a source of confusion due to the Git installer’s myriad of options. Adapt It’s installer and the installed program itself now have some new features that make it easier to install Git according to the needs of a particular situation. Now three options are offered that will make Git installation more flexible and make less use of Internet connection time/data:
1) Do not try to install Git at this time.
I’ll use Adapt It without Git, or I will install Git later.
2) Download and install Git from the Internet.
This option requires access to the Internet and will download about 36MG of data.
A copy of the Git installer is saved to the Adapt It installation directory.
3) Browse this computer to find a Git installer
This option installs Git using a previously downloaded Git installer. Git
can be installed this way without accessing the Internet
The above 3 options are now offered from within Adapt It’s installer and by menu selection from within the Adapt It program. When the second option is selected from within Adapt It’s installer, Git will first be downloaded and then both Git and Adapt It will be installed during the running of the Adapt It installer – similar to what has been the only option in the past. When the third option is selected from within Adapt It’s installer, the administrator/user can browse from a file dialog to an existing Git installer on the local machine or a thumb drive. The installer will automatically install and configure Git without further user interaction until both Git and Adapt It are installed with the appropriate options. - Within the Adapt It program the above three Git installation options are accessible from a new Tools menu item called “Install the Git program…”. This new menu item makes it possible to download, install, and have Adapt It auto-configure the Git program all from within Adapt It, without having to wade through all of the Git installer’s wizard pages and wonder whether all the default Git options are set properly. Additionally, the same 3 options are presented to the user if Git was not installed, and the user tries to execute one of the document history menu items located on Adapt It’s File menu.
- When the Adapt It installer needs to install Git, it makes a copy of the downloaded Git installer and saves it within the Adapt It installation folder (c:\Program Files (x86)\Adapt It WX Unicode\). It is the standard Git installer which is called: Git-2.12.1-32-bit.exe. Adapt It’s installer can internally execute this installer with the options needed for Adapt It, and it can also be used to manually install Git, but for manually installations of Git, it is recommended that you use the new Git downloader described in the next point below instead.
- Every Windows Adapt It installation now provides a small (748kb) installation program called Git_Downloader_2_12_1_4AI.exe that is also placed in the Adapt It installation folder. This installer can be used to download the Git program from the Internet on demand and install Git on any Windows computer. If an administrator or user opts to install Git apart from running the normal Adapt It installer, this stand-alone installer is recommended (and is what Adapt It will use of installing Git from the Tools menu).
- The version of Git that Adapt It now downloads is Git version 2.12.1.
Bug fixes in 6.8.2
- If you have switched to using Paratext 8, make sure you have upgraded Paratext 8 to the latest version and have applied all updates. Some earlier versions of Paratext 8 did not have a rdwrtp7.exe.config file or a rdwrtp8.exe.config file which resulted in collaboration failure and an error message that said, “rdwrtp7 has stopped working”. If you see that error message when trying to collaborate with Paratext 8, your Paratext 8 installation is lacking a Paratext 8 update that installs that small xml rdwrtp7.exe.config or rdwrtp8.exe.config file. The preferred way to get the appropriate xml config file is via Paratext update. In a bind, either file can be downloaded from this Adapt It website at: or - Fixed the Help menu’s “Report a Problem” and “Give Feedback” secure email function. That function was rendered inoperative due to a change of the certification authority on the server. The certificate had to be changed after the website got hacked. The website was restored and it now uses a different certificate of authority that is now also updated in Adapt It’s installer so that Adapt It can again use it to send secure email reports from inside Adapt It.
- Fixed a collaboration setup bug that required the administrator to select a (possibly unwanted) free translation project from Paratext or Bibledit before the Setup Or Remove Collaboration dialog would accept/save the collaboration setup. Only two Paratext/Bibledit projects are required to save a collaboration setup within Adapt It:
1) a Paratext/Bibledit project that Adapt It can use to fetch its source texts, and
2) a second Paratext/Bibledit project that Adapt It can use to store target text (translations/adaptations) as they generated from within Adapt It.
The source text project would normally be a good quality translation that Adapt It uses in a collaboration project to fetch its source text from. The target text project would normally start as an empty Paratext/Bibledit project (containing empty chapter and verse markers) that is used to store the translations/adaptations produced by Adapt It in the collaboration project. - Fixed a bug that would cause an error message when trying to select Paratext 7 within the Setup Or Remove Collaboration dialog, preventing a successful collaboration setup for Paratext 7. The error message indicated that Adapt It was trying to use a path to the Paratext 8 projects folder, even though ‘Paratext 7’ was selected in the dialog. This error was possible if the user had both Paratext 7 and Paratext 8 installed on the computer.
- Fixed a bug that would cause Adapt It to prefix $$ characters to certain Paratext files that contain back matter, front matter, etc. The bug would manifest itself in an error message at the time the Paratext project was selected as a source text collaboration project with Adapt It in its Setup Or Remove Collaboration dialog.
- Fixed a bug that would prevent the Adapt It installer from detecting if an administrator had previously installed the Git program on the computer.
- If CC table changes are in operation, and the user makes a merger, the change table was not applied to the non-first source text words. Now it is applied.
- If CC changes were made to a word or phrase and the user caused the phrasebox to move ahead without clicking in the phrasebox or editing in it, the changes were lost and not entered into the knowledge base. Now they are not lost and the knowledge base stores a correct entry.
Windows and Macintosh version 6.8.2 downloads are available at:
Linux version 6.8.2 Debian packages are available in i386 and amd64 architectures for Ubuntu Trusty, Vivid, Wily, Xenial and Yakkety. There are instructions on how to configure your Linux system to gain access to the SIL repository at:
Basically you need to download and install the repository’s public key on your machine, and then set up your Software Sources with one of the following settings depending on your Linux distribution:
deb trusty main or
deb vivid main or
deb wily main or
deb xenial main or
deb yakkety main
Note: The Ubuntu Vivid, Wily, and Yakkety distributions only have short term support from Canonical. The Trusty and Xenial distributions are long term service (LTS) distributions which Canonical will support with bug and security fixes for 5 years from their initial release.
Important Note: Installing version 6.8.2 will automatically replace any previously installed Adapt It WX (Unicode) version from 4.0.0 through 6.8.1 (but existing project data is never touched when installing updates).
Adapt It WX is the open source, cross-platform version of Adapt It that is based on the wxWidgets framework (hence the WX in the name).
Please direct bug reports or feedback on the new version to the Adapt It team. On the Adapt It Help menu you can easily send a Problem Report or a Feedback Report directly from within Adapt It (over a secure connection) – see the Help menu. If you cannot use the Help menu’s email reporting functions, you can send a Problem Report or Feedback Report to the Adapt It team using the following email address:
Alternately, you can send an email to one or more of the following team members via their individual email addresses:
Bill Martin – Bruce Waters – Erik Brommers – Graeme Costin – (focus on MacOSX) Kevin Bradford – Michael Hore – Bob Buss – (focus on HTML Help system) Jonathan Marsden –