We are pleased to announce the release of Adapt It Mobile 1.6.0 for Android and iOS, available today through the Google Play store and Apple Store. Download links:

What’s New in 1.6.0

Merge full USFM chapters and Scripture portions

Adapt It Mobile now supports multiple USFM imports of the same Scripture source text book. This is to support import of source text from Key It, the text input app from the Adapt It team — although any USFM source text should also work, provided the /id marker is included in the file.

Note that multiple imports of the same source verses will remove any translations for the duplicate verses. Adapt It Mobile will warn the user before importing duplicate USFM files.

Empty / blank source verse handling

Adapt It Mobile now displays blank source verses on separate lines. By default blank source verses cannot be translated, but the user can configure this setting in the editor settings for the project.

Bug Fixes and Various Enhancements

Fixed an issue where some SourcePhrase items were left in the database after book deletion (issue #451)

These enhancements and issues can be found in our issue tracker.

Adapt It Mobile 1.6.0 Available for Download